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Captain Fazlur Rahman Chowdhury a living maritime legend!

captain fazlur rahman chowdhury was born in 1945 in Bangladesh. He passed his SSC from comilla zila school and completed his higher secondary phase from fouzdarhat cadet college.He is one of those with those Bangladesh Marine Academy started its journey in the year of 1962. At 1976 he achieved masters certificate and got the command of merchant ships. captain chowdhury served in merchant vessels for 15 years.And he was in command of merchant ships for 3 years. He earned MSC from world maritime university,malmo,sweeden at 1988.

Captain fazlur rahman chowdhury worked in almost every sector in shipping induatry. Before leaving Bangladesh he worked as harbour master of port, General manager of BBangladesh shipping corporation and also worked as technical director (td),marine academy instructor and commandant, chief nautical surveyor of shipping department ang was Director general of same department.He also worked as a reserved commander of Bangladesh navy.In Year 1991 he joined UK-MCA as examiner and surveyor.In 1997 he was promoted as deputy chief examiner of that institution.

In 2000 captain chowdhury was appointed as maritime administrator by the government of jibraltar. And he got the best success of life here. After joining there he made one old military port into the center of all maritime activities. Within only four years he brought the recognition of fastest register in utopian union.Captain chowdhury also worked on maritime training and skilled maritime manpower. present young register of shipping was supervised by captain chowdhury. In the year 2004 captain fazlur joined as maritime administrator of worlds third largest register country Bahamas. From year 2008-11 He worked as maritime advisor of Bahrain government.

At year 2009 captain fazlur rahman chowdhury was listed in Princeton global network as recognition of best maritime consultant.  Apart of these he is a visiting lecturer of world maritime university and a consultant of International Maritime Organisation(IMO). At last under world bank supervision he worked in maritime infrastructure project for kingdom of togu. He also writes on varius maritime issues in many sites and printing media.

On behalf of SHIP LOVERS we are paying our heartily tribute to this living legend. Long live sir with good health.

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