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Once seafaring was one of the most luxurious and desired job for the youths. But now seafaring has became a nightmare for people. Specially those who are already in this profession their sufferings has no limit. Taking advantage of present economical recession and acute shortage of job at ship some fraud manning agency is making our seafarers life hell asking for huge amount of bribe in the name of service charge.Cadets,junior officer and fresh crews are their main target. Cadets after completion of their pre sea training they have to attend minimum 12 month on board training in order to attend "certificate of competency" exam. Now a days it very difficult to get ship placement for this mandatory training period. As most of the cadets have no idea and experience of getting job at ship many agency fraudulently make this cadets sufferer. Very often they ask for huge amount of bribe for placement. They compell these innocent cadets to pay this amount. But taking any charge from seafarers is strictly prohibited by International Maritime  Organization. Some we often heard that manning agent flew away with the money provided for job purpose. Manning agency sometimes promises for a higher salary at ship but after joining ship seafarers are not provided with the promised salary. Some manning agency send fake seafarers with fraud documents at ship taking huge amount of bribe. Many accidents take place for such fraudulent. Taking chance if this critical job situation making our seafarers ultimate victim. Many corrupted agency keeps a big amount of commission from seafarers salary. Very often we see they are compelling cadets to work without any salary/allowance. Distressed cadets are giving bribe and not even getting any salary for these fraud agencies.

In order to get rid of this oppression seafarers need to raise their voice against this unfair deeds. Awarness shall be grown among seafarers against this bribe. Seafarers community associations should come forward against these agencies. All required step including taking help from law inforcement force shall be taken. If no seafarer agrees to pay bribe it will be stopped automatically. Let's make our seafarers life smooth. Let make seafaring great again! Happy sailing!

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