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Bangladesh- A bidfair land of ship building!

Bangladesh has a long proud history of ship building. As because Bangladesh is a riverine blessed land it has some tremendous advantages for hosting this ship building industry. Bangladesh has about 200 river and approximately 22,500 mile long coast line which opened the door of becoming a leading ship building nation. On the other hand cheap labour cost favourable weather played a vital role.

There are around 200 ship building and repairing yards are running in bangladesh. For a long time inland bound vessel around 500-1000 DWT are being constructed and repaired in these yards. Availability of still plates in these area played a vital role. These ship building and repairing yards are mainly centered in Chittagong,Dhaka,Narayanganj,khulna,Barisal.

There are some mandatory pre condition to be a ship building nation.These are - Practice of international standard in ship buildind, Quality Management,  Riverine land and long coast land, Infrastructure with proper sheds and competent man power. Bangladesh fulfills all the required criteria. Which puts Bangladesh in comfort zone for being a great ship building nation. ASSL ( Ananda shipyard and shipways limited) and WMS (Western marine shipyards)  are the leading ship yards company of Bangladesh. ASSL was established in 1983 at the bank of buriganga river. ASSL. received order of 28 small vessel valued 428 million usd from various country including Netherland.On the other hand WMS received order of 12 small vessel Valued at 130 million dollar from a german company. Western marine shipyards set up a modern shipping yards at the bank of karnafuly river and got order to contruct 14 small vessel worth 150 million usd.

Basically ASSL and WMS are constructing vessels ranges from 4500 DWT to 6100 DWT.Officials related with ship building yards are stating if Bangladesh can grab 1% of the global ship building order can earn about 4 billion usd. Total global market of ship building is about 400 billion usd. Bangladesh can be leading ship building nation competing with korea and china if these ship yards get patnronage of local govt. and international shipping community. To compete with other ship building nation Bangladesh should have 10 modern shipbuilding yards with capability of building big merchant vessels. Which may cost Around 3000 million usd.Experts are telling Bangladesh has become new destination for the companies who wants to make small vessels as the traditional ship building nation like china and korea focusing on larger vessels which is creating a big opportunity for Bangladesh.

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