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Kinds of burn
a  a)      Simple – simple reddening of the skin.
b  b)      Superficial – Blistering of the skin in addition to reddening.
c  c)       Deep – Destruction of the skin amounting to more or less complete charging of the tissues.
To reduce the continuing effects of heat on the tissues:
Just after rescuing from a burning incident, the injurious effects of heat in burned tissues are continuing for some time. As such immediate cooling of the effected part is to be done by-
a  a)      Immersing in clean cold water or
b  b)      Hold under a cold running tap water or
c  c)       Under a cold shower for ten minutes. This may relieve intense pain of a severe        burn and may help to prevent blister formation.
To reduce pain
When the burns are deep and wide spread, pain will be severe. In this case injection pathedine one ampule intramuscular to be given immediately to reduce pain. The effect of injection will reduce the intense pain of the burnt patient.
To combet dehydration, so as to combat shock
Formation of blisters in a wide spread burn causing dehydration due to loss of body fluid coming of it. This can be combated by (a) Oral fluid therapy and/or (b) Intravenous fluid therapy by 5% dextrose saline, depending on the estimation of a burn under rules.
Estimation should always be done in higher side
a    a)      Burn having blisters estimated less than 30% can be rehydrated by oral fluid    therapy i.e. half cup of O.R.S solution to be given  every five minute interval for two  hours. More than that may cause vomiting.
    b)      Burn having blisters estimated more than 30% can be rehydrated by 5% dextrose saline intravenous running till the patient goes for urination.
To prevent contamination and risk of infection
    a)      Do not attempt to pull off any clothing that may be stuck. Use scissors to cut it away, so that those pieces that are stuck remain there.
    b)      Try not to touch the surface of a burn with your fingers.
    c)       Do not break or prick blisters.
    d)      Reassure the patient , and treat with extreme gentleness.
Transport to a clean bed where the burns can be dressed or to a hospital for further treatment.
First aid
    a)      Remove the cause.
    b)      Ensure a plentiful supply of fresh air.
    c)       Apply artificial respiration immediately until natural breathing is restored for unconscious patients.
It is the general bodily state which supervenes when a man is injured and ranges from mild feeling of sickness and faintness up to complete unconsciousness.
     a)      Pain
     b)      Dehydration.

Fire on board considered as the worst disaster of ship. High safety measures shall be taken to avoid fire on board. But such unwanted incident took place safety of life is the first and foremost important matter. Above describe steps will reduce the sum of injury and will prevent further dangerous condition.  

1 comment:

  1. Nice article. CPR is really important. We may never know when will emergency comes that is why it is always better to be prepared. If you want to learn more, Click here


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